Here are a couple more picures from our camping trip in Sequoia National Park.
We left Santa Ana bright and early on Saturday morning and checked into our campsite around 2pm (after a couple of minor detours). Here is Chris setting up the tent.
Our lovely table of food and water.
Bailey wasn't much help in the "setting up camp", part. 
There was a really neat meadow directly in back of the campsite that we played around in for a while. This is our campsite from the meadow.
We had a cool stream which was the highlight for Bails.
Playing in the meadow.
On Saturday afternoon we took a nice little stroll through the Trail of a 100 Giants.

We found some cool mushrooms
This was my favorite part: three trees had grown together in a circle. You could enter the middle of the circle by squeezing through a narrow gap. It would have been awesome to spend the night in there. The pictures don't do it justice.
At the campground.

Day Two: The Big Trek
On Sunday morning we decided to hike the Summit Trail into the Golden Trout Wildnerness. It was a fun hike and completely deserted. After 10 miles, we were paw sore that evening.
Yeah, we didn't quite make it to Maggie Lake. 

A nice piece of geology.
Hiker Bailey.

Bails had his first real snow experience. A lot of dogs get kind of goofy in snow (loki and chucha) and Bailey was no exception.
And when you get hot, it cools your tummy off.

Day Three: Dome Rock
We climbed this rock on Monday before heading home.

I wanted to climb up to the Fire Lookout on the "needles" but Chris wasn't too excited once he learned that rope ladders and narrow suspension bridges over chasms were involved. Maybe next time.
Here is my crappy picture of the western tanager. Look for the tiny yellow dot in the middle of the picture.

There was a really neat meadow directly in back of the campsite that we played around in for a while. This is our campsite from the meadow.
On Sunday morning we decided to hike the Summit Trail into the Golden Trout Wildnerness. It was a fun hike and completely deserted. After 10 miles, we were paw sore that evening.
We climbed this rock on Monday before heading home.