Monday, January 01, 2007
Oops! I didn't quite get our Yosemite pictures uploaded last night. We had to zip off to the grocery store and then we spent the remainder of the night discussing vacation plans for next year. It looks like we're going to be heading up to Alaska for a summer trip and then Thanksgiving in Seattle. We are also attempting to fit in a trip to an exotic locale (Fiji? Moorea?) but we'll have to see if that actually happens. I’ll try to get the pictures up tonight. :)
Chris, myself and the padres spent they New Year's weekend in Yosemite National Park. I'll upload some more pictures tomorrow night. We had a great time and the park is truly beautiful. We did some cross country skiing and took a hike to Mariposa Grove, a stand of giant sequoia where many of the trees were almost three thousand years old. It was spectacular. We hope you had a delightful holiday season and best wishes for the coming year.