You are not going to believe this but yesterday morning
two, yes TWO, chihuahuas zipped past me as I was getting into my car and went straight into the yard via the hole in the fence. Seriously. Thankfully, they were quickly followed by their owner. Well, he didn't try to make it through the hole. Both of them seemed to be on friendly terms with Bails and it took some convincing to retrieve them. I will admit that the one nice thing about having a little dog is that you can simply grab them by the scruff of their necks and tuck them under your arm like a loaf of bread. These two actually looked a bit like fat sourdough rolls. I'd hate to deprive Bails of his local playmates but I'm getting a little tired of his choice of dogs. What is wrong with labs or goldens or other
big dogs? Why does he have to pick the drop kicks??!!