Ok folks, it's time for the US to join the rest of the world in supporting the real game of football; yes, I mean soccer. This is a sport that takes skill, talented hand-eye coordination, and extreme athletic endurance. It also does not require its players to walk around in too-small leggings, helmets, and shoulder pads.
Here's the skinny:
The Brazilians, the reigning world cup champs, just beat Australia (2-0) and are moving on to the second round. The US lost to the Czech Republic (0-3) in their opening game. They tied with Italy (1-1) in their second game. In order to advance to the second round, they must beat Ghana on Thursday and have the Italians beat the Czech Republic.
This is Brazil, cleaning up. The Australians actually did a great job of holding them off in the first half but were unable to stop the famous Brazilians in the second half. Remember, Brazil has all the Rs (Ronaldo, Robinho (called the next Pele), Ze Roberto (shown here) and Richardinho)

England has David Beckham and Michael Owen (shown below) on their side; however, their star forward, Wayne Rooney, may not be able to play due to injuries.

I think this is Ghana. They'll play the US on Thursday.

The United States got off to a rocky start in the world cup this year. Brian McBride (below) took an elbow to the face but later recovered to join back in the game. Italy actually did all of the work in the match as their team captain made a goal into their own net resulting in a 1-1 tie. Thanks, Italy!
Team Captain Becks. That reminds me, I need to rent Bend it like Beckham, one of my all time favorite movies (well, not counting the made for tv version of Pride and Prejudice) 
If you get tired of watching the game, you can always watch the crazy moves (and celebrations) of the players:

Or they REALLY wacky fans:

Check out those teeth!