He reported that Bailey had been cavorting around the neighborhood and had subsequently been collected by animal control. Whew. The house is still standing. Bailey, we've discovered, gets really bored during the day. It doesn't matter that he has lots of toys, a pool, a dog house and the neighbor's cat to chase. He needs attention! He usually decides to amuse himself by shredding my houseplants or going fishing in the pond. If you read our blog frequently, you'll have heard me complain about this numerous times.
Anyway, back to the story: this is the second time Bailey has made a break for freedom. While on vacation last December he tore down a section of fence and ended up down the street a ways. Thankfully some friendly neighbors took him in for the night.
Today, however, was entirely different and it was completely my fault. Everyday we lock the gate when we leave for work. It's one of those gates that has little bars on either side and they fold down and you put the lock through them. Well, I did that as I was running off to the office today but I accidentally left one of the bars in the up-right position. All Bailey had to do was push open the gate and presto, he was free. He must have had a jolly good time too because ever since the dogcatcher brought him back he has been sacked out on the floor. Well, I'm glad he enjoyed it. I can't say that I especially want to repeat it again.